Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself
(Chinese proverb)

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

Guy Fawkes

5th November is an important festivity in the Uk because people celebrate the failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the part of Guy Fawkes and other members in 1605. It is also called the Bonfire Night because bonfires are lit to burn the "Guy" - a kind of dummy that represents Fawkes.

Activity 1. Watch this video about the story of Guy Fawkes.

Activity 2. Watch this video about the celebration of the Bonfire Night in Winchester 

Activity 3. If you have learnt the story of Guy Fawkes, do you dare to play this game?

Activity 4. Learn this poem by heart:

11 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. francisco lozano duran this page is beatiful and ilike exercise 3

  3. francisco lozano duran this page is beatiful and ilike exercise 3

  4. my name is ana maria 1C ....MY FAVORITE EXERCISE IS NUMBER 3

  5. me llamo Maria Hernandez Mesa y soy de 1B...Mi juego favorito a sido el ejercicio 3

  6. me llamo Maria Hernandez Mesa y soy de 1B...Mi juego favorito a sido el ejercicio 3

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Hello! I am Cristina Medina Luna 1°B.My favorite exercise is 3,is very funny!


  9. I am Fernando 1C. My favourite exercise is 3


  10. I am Fernando 1C. My favourite exercise is 3
