Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself
(Chinese proverb)

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Halloween again

More online activites for Halloween. Go to this link and find the things in the haunted house

Now spot the dragon according to the descriptions

Finally, listen to this song and write all the body parts that you can find in it. Write them on your notebook

Halloween is here

Hi everybody! You know Halloween is very near. We are going to celebrate it at school on 31st October but meanwhile you can find activities about the topic on the blog. To start with, here is a Halloween card. Do you dare open it?

Did you like it? Now go to this link and play this game in which you have to match words and creatures.

This is Halloween

Did you enjoy the activities? I hope so. Here you have another activity on Halloween. Click on this link and read the story. Then, write your opinion of the story and a different end.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012


Hi everybody, you already know that Halloween is on 31st October. At school, we will do some spooky activites on that day. Meanwhile, you will find videos, songs and excercises about Halloween on this blog. Have a gasthly time!!!!!!
First, this is a Halloween greeting card. Will you dare open it?


Now, complete this interactive book about Halloween

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Food in Britain

Let´s continue with the topic of food. Go to this link, watch the video and do the gap-fill exercise and the food-matching one. 

Family Tree

Look at the family tree below. On your notebook write sentences using the saxon genitive. Include Brian in all the sentences as in the example:
Brian´s uncle is Derek

Do you remember the members of the family in English? Refresh your memory by looking at this video:

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Parts of the Body. Descriptions

Hello everyone! Welcome to this English blog. Here you will find lots of activities to improve your English and revise what you have seen in class. I hope you enjoy it!
Let´s start by revising the parts of the body.

Have a look at these videos and pay attention to the pronounciation.

Now, choose one of the following avatars and write a description of it on your notebook. Don´t forget to use the adjectives we have studied.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Ordering food

Hello everybody! Welcome to our new bilingual blog. Here you will find different activites for you to revise the contents seen in class and a lot of stuff to improve your English. I hope you enjoy it!!!

Let´s start by revising how to order meals in a restaurant. First, watch this video where Mr Bean goes to a  restaurant for his birthday and he doesn´t know how to behave himself. See what happens and enjoy yourself.

Did you have fun? Well, now let´s go down to work. Watch this video about how to order meals in a restaurant and practise the dialogue.

Now, write a similar dialogue on your notebook